Monday, April 18, 2011


I definately support Gabriela's proposal becausethere are elderly people who are abandoned by their familiesand left to die. I believe family members should help them by giving them money or supporting them in any way possible.

Nestor's proposal seemed very fair. It would be right anf fair to treat people with disabilities like any other person.

I agree that veterans should have equal rightts since they fought for our country once. At least take them in consideratin for some better benefits.

I believe women should have the right to protest against any abuse from a man. All cases have to be trialed and investigated.

Women should be equal to men in every way!! Also women should stand up for their rights as Paola's proposal said.

I agree completely with Mandy's proposal because nobody should be judged because of your raise and policemen should not have the rights to do so.

I agree with Francisco that racism should be completely stopped and that an amendment should be passed so that everyone follows this.

I dont agree with Ivania's proposal because if theyre in jail its because they commited a crime, usually. They should not diserve to spend a night with their wives if they are guilty.

I agree with Bianca and Im sure it will help many students.

Once again I agree with a right refering to disabled peoples benefits. They are human beings and deserve to have everything as equal or more benfited than us.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Proposal ;)

Most prisoners are set to having to complete many years in prison. Most of these prisoners get out of jail very easily. Prisoners are let off for good behavior. I do not agree with this.

My proposal is eliminating this rule that can get you out of jail for good behavior. I believe that if you have commited a crime and are sentenced to more than at least 30 years in jail, that you should not have the right to get out for good behavior. If a prisoner behaves well their yeare are cut off. I believe this is unjust. To get a 30 years sentence in jail the crime should have been very cruel so why should you get the opportunity of being free for what you did? I say prisoners need to complete there full sentence before getting out of jail, with no exceptions.

For criminals this is an easy way to get out of jail and back into the streets. This only brings more violence and crime to the streets. I believe that civilization will be safer without criminals among it who have not learned their lesson.


prisoners work together in a common room
Prisoners rights have been ignored since the begining of the encarceration system. Thanks to determined people commited to defend these rights prisoners have progressd. There has been many changes for the purpose of benefiting these people.
 Now there are a many rights protected by the government that need to be followed in prisons. Although jails are different, there are basic rights that do not change. A very important one is that : 

it is illegal for a criminal to be treated unfairly due to race, sex, disability, sexuality or religious beliefs.

Another main right is that in able to defend themselves they are granted the right to have a lawyer during their court case. With a lawyer criminals have a better chance of being innocent. There are lawyers that dedicate themselves to defending criminals. These lawyers are the criminal lawyers. Prisoners also have the right to have their money store in an account in prison. if they work or take part in trainig or studying, the money owned are stored for them. If they are released they can take the money in cash out of the prison. This right is very helpful for them because although they do not earn much working, at least they have some money of there own.

In conclusion, prisoners rights are changing and improving over time.They started off with nothing and now they are being treated fairly. Although they are still discriminated against outside of jail, prisoners are improving theyre lifestyles slowly.

Struggle and Activism

Prisoners have struggled in search of their rights within the walls for a long time. They have had to expirience many meens of torture within prsions. Prisoners have many people defending them and fighting for their rights in many places.
There are many groups or societies that have worked to fight prisoner oppression. One of these groups is the PARC : prison abolitionist group. They're main goals are:

  1. To expose the prison system in the U.S. as an engine of race war and genocide that all people of conscience must work to dismantle;
  2. To expose that prisons kill, through the exposure of prisoners to toxics, environmental hazards, and medical neglect; 
  3. To support a moratorium on prison construction and a fight against the War on Drugs, the War on Immigrants, the War on Crime, and the use of prison slave labor; 
  4. To expose the institutionalization of torture as it is practiced by the U.S. at home and abroad; *To build awareness of prison issues outside the U.S. and international solidarity with political prisoners and peoples resisting U.S. aggression;
  5. To inspire and motivate people to take positive action against the mass-incarceration system and for prisoners' human and civil rights;
  6. To provide practical support to activists who are taking such action.
      By these associations prisoners can achieve their rights. During the 70s prisoners rights basically did not exist. Prisoners were treated unfairly, but thanks to these people who dedicate themselves to make their lives as fair as possible this situation has improved. You can still see the struggle of these people. When most people hear a person has gone to jail they are discriminated. Because of their past,ex- prisoners, have trouble finding jobs and even socializing. The truth is people try to avoid criminals and this causes them to end up back in the streets.If a criminal behaves good in jail they can get out easily because of good behavior.

      Prisoners have a hard life. After they comit the crime and pay the time, life gets really hard. I believe everybody deseves a second chance at life if they are willing to change. I actually do not like the fact that prisoners can get out of jail for good behavior. They should serve the full time and then be given another opportunity.

      Thursday, April 7, 2011

      Prisoner's Oppression

      prisoners are punished

      There has been many sad and unfortunate cases of prisoner mistreatment since before you can imagine. Prisoners rights have been violated many times. All this has been caused by the prisons own guards or violent prisoners.

       In almost any prison we can see the violence used against prisoners. Whether they deserve it or not, prisoners have rights that are constantly being violated. Prisoners have been victims of sexual, physical and phsycological abuse. These "inmates" are protected by the rights listed by the Constitution.  An example of one of these rights is:
       Inmates have the right to be free, under the Eighth Amendment, from inhuman conditions becausethose conditions constitute "cruel and unusual" punishment.
      The term cruel and unusual was not used when the Amendment was first passed but it was noted by the Supreme Court in 1848 that some of these punishments included: "drawing and quartering, embowelling alive, beheading, public dissecting, and burning alive," Today, any punishment that can be considered inhumane or violates a persons dignity is considered cruel and unusual.

      In conclusion, the prisoners bill of rights has been modified during the pass of the years.  These prisoners have been treated harshly and inhumane. Although they are protected by their rights prisoners are abused off constantly.

      Tuesday, April 5, 2011

      Criminal Rights !

      There is a large percentage of criminals around the world. Today prisoners are given the same rights as innocent people, but it has not always been like this. In this essay I will describe the strggleprisoners have faced throughout.

      Most of the world's population would agree that criminals should have their rights taken away. Although some people may desire this, the rights for aprisoner are suppose to be as equal any other person. The movement for prisoners rights has been going on for along time. Criminal defendants work to defend criminals in court. There are many groups that defend prisoners rights. One of them is the ACLU's Natonal Prison Project. Since 1972 these people have worked to fight unconstitutional conditions of confinement.

      The criminal justice system has worked its way up to being equal.  It has not always been the way it is now. Criminals are not criminals until proven and I believe this is the fairest way to manage trials. Criminals deserve the right to defend themselves as well as innocent people do.'_rights

      Friday, March 25, 2011

      Other Blogs :DD

      Bianca Alvarez
      Bianca's blog was very creative. She was very descriptive of what ocurred during the drastic event. Bianca described the conditions in which they lived and what they had to face. Which I agree were terrible.

      Ivania Colon
      Ivania's blog was very detailed. She described how the Native Americans land were taken by the whites.  She said it was not fair for the Native Americans and I agree with her completely.

      Paola Vizcarrondo
      Paola's blog was very informative. Her opinion of the battle was that it was not a battle but a massacre. I agree with Paola because Native Americans did not stand a chance against the white people which killed many of them.

      Gabriela Sanchez
      Gabriela's blog mostly talked about assimilation. How the whites wanted to turn the Native Americans into more [civilized] people. I agree with gabriela that this was wrong.

      Fransisco Negron
      Frasncisco's blog was very general. He gave his opinion on everything that occured to the poor Indians. What they had to face was terrible and I agree with him that it was not fair. The innocent Indians did not deserve what they went through.

      Thursday, March 24, 2011

      Native Americans: THE CRUEL STORY

      Since the arrival of the European settlers to the United States, Native Americans have beentreatedharshly.They have suffered greatly because of white men's interest in taking their lands. Hollywood has portrayed a totally different story about the events that occured to the NativeAmericans. Although theesepeople fought for their well-disserved rights, they were not able toovercome the white men's rule. In moviesthe Native Americans are always the bad guys. Thesepeople suffered a great attack that later became knownthe Wounded Knee Massacre. as

      Settlers were interested in the land of the Native Americans. They forced the Native Americans to move todifferent reservations. Some of them tried to resist but it only made it worst. A famous tribe leader was SittingBull. After years of resistance he decided to give in because of the limited resources and the hard conditionsthey lived. Chiefs were practically obligated to sign and give the government the land they owned and in thereservations there could be no chiefs or leaders. The Indians were promised many things so they could agreeto what the government wanted and at the end they received nothing.

      Native Americans lived under cruel conditions. They depended entirely of what the government would givethem and what the government would give was not enough. The white people wanted Native Americans tobecome like them. They were forced to change their names and many had to believe in christianity. Thisprocess of assimilation violated any humans rights. To be like an american civilian, the Native Americans evenhad to cut their hair.

      When Native Americans saw hope, they invented the [ Ghost Dance]. This dancee worshiped the belief thatthe white people would no longer exist or rule the Native Americans. The government found out about thisand prohibited the dance. Native Americans were mad and dissapointed at this and to worsten things up, thegovernment send officials to make sure nobody did the dance. Sitiing BullNative Americans were  and manyothers were murdered by the officials when they were trying to arrest Sitting Bull. This started a battle whichthen resulted in a massacre. The Native Americans were defenseless against the officials and many innocentIndians were murdered. Now of course Indians were blamed for everything.

      In conclusion, Native americans were treated inhumanly. They did not have rights and therefore were forcedto do what they were told.Reservations were torture to these people. Because of the selfish government manyinnocent Indians died unfairly. The government destroyed most of the Indian culture and because of that cruel past their present is not in good conditions. Most people do not know the true story behind Hollywood filmsand to me it is ignorant that people hide what realy happened to the Native Americans.

      Thursday, February 17, 2011


        I asked my parents about my heritage and they were no help at all. They just told me that my last name: Sanchez and Ortiz, came from Spain and/or America. Our family has lived in Puerto Rico all our lives so we must go back until when the Spanish invaded and spreaded they're ways. 

      Carlotta Moretti, a true story..

         My name is Carlotta Mortti and I am an Italian Immigrant. My story begins the day of my birthday, and also the day me and my family leave our lives behind in search for a new beginnng.Father told us that we would have to immigrate to the US. He said that if we stayed we would die of starvation. I understand my father, he would work all day and receive little to no pay at all. We were told of life in the US, and father didn't think twice before leaving.

      Preparing for the long trip didn't take long. We were only required to leave the country: our passports and our travel documents, which dad got quickly with help from a friend. After we got our documents, My two little sisters, my mom, my dad and I could leave Italy. We didn't take nothing with us since we did not have anything to take but our old clothe that we wore every day. Father left our small house to his brother and promised to return for him when he could. After everything was ready we left for Naples. At Naples we traveled by ship until we reached New York's Ellis Island, where we were processed as new immigants and let in the US.

      My family and I waiting to be pocessed
      Our new home.
      Our lives haven't been any easier than they were in Italy. Father got a job as a construction worker, and although he doesn't receive a good pay, he can afford food to put food on the table.Mother works in one of those dangerous factories making clothing, while I stayed and cared for my sisters and cooked for the family.Our small neighborhood was overcrowded with Italian folks and the living conditions were not very good.  We only knew one person and his name was Danilo Moretti. Danilo Moretti was my dad's uncle
      , and he had been an immigrant in the US for almost 7 years. He offered us the place we were staying at and found my father the job. We were lucky to have my dad's uncle, he guided us through the whole process in the US.

      Although the trip was long, and the process was hard, we managed to get into the US. In the US we are still trying to survive, and just hoping things will get better. We have it hard but we Moretti's don't quit. We know our hard work will pay off and someday we will leave behind this poverty and suffering and we will prosper.

      A Sicilian American Expirience

        Italian immigrants talk about there lives when they first came to the US.Its surprising how these Italians tell there stories. They all came at young ages, and most of them didn't know the English language. When they came they had to leave everything behind them including the're families, friends, and homes.
        I believe this people sacrificed so much to come to the US, and still when they came they were discriminated, and treated badly. For me, these brave people serve as an inspiration.They worked so hard to achieve a better life, and I really think all they had to sacrifice was for the best.
      This has really changed my perspective on immigration. I think people should be more opened minded about this situation, since these people just search for a better life.

      Immigrazione Italiano !

         Many Italians immigrated to the United States in search of better opportunities. In Italy these people lacked jobs, money, and resources. Italians searched for a better life for their families during the century between 1876 to 1976. They believed they would end their suffering if they immigrated to the US in search of the"American Dream"

        Leaving Italy wasn't easy. They had to follow through with some requirements.These requirements included: having all they're travel documents and they're passports. After they had these they could leave the country by taking a ship on Naples to Ellis Island, New York. This trip took two to three weeks. In Ellis Island they were interviewed and medically tested. If immigrants were to sick, officials would send them back to Italy. After they were processed they were let out to begin their new lives in the US.

      Italian Immigrant Ship

      Italians had the jobs nobody wanted. They slowly worked their way up from the bottom of the social class.  Even children at very young ages had to work. Their main occupations were: shoeshinning, ragpicking, and other dirty and dangerous jobs. They would even go through prostitution to make money. Italians had a hard time in the US. they lived under terrible conditions, in dirty and overcrowded places. Italian immigrants even had to skip eating in an attempt to save money. Italian immigrants usually got well with other immigrant groups. They could distribute themselves into groups like Jews, Germans, etc.
      Italian shoe shine boys
       I believe these Italian immigrants had it hard. If i were in their position I dont think that I would of had that determination to keep fighting for better conditions. They worked dangerous jobs, barely got paid in the US and the conditions they faced in Italy were much worst. It seemed like a terrible time for these people and I feel very sorry for them. Besides everything that happened they battled through all of it. I admire those immigrants deeply!