Thursday, April 7, 2011

Prisoner's Oppression

prisoners are punished

There has been many sad and unfortunate cases of prisoner mistreatment since before you can imagine. Prisoners rights have been violated many times. All this has been caused by the prisons own guards or violent prisoners.

 In almost any prison we can see the violence used against prisoners. Whether they deserve it or not, prisoners have rights that are constantly being violated. Prisoners have been victims of sexual, physical and phsycological abuse. These "inmates" are protected by the rights listed by the Constitution.  An example of one of these rights is:
 Inmates have the right to be free, under the Eighth Amendment, from inhuman conditions becausethose conditions constitute "cruel and unusual" punishment.
The term cruel and unusual was not used when the Amendment was first passed but it was noted by the Supreme Court in 1848 that some of these punishments included: "drawing and quartering, embowelling alive, beheading, public dissecting, and burning alive," Today, any punishment that can be considered inhumane or violates a persons dignity is considered cruel and unusual.

In conclusion, the prisoners bill of rights has been modified during the pass of the years.  These prisoners have been treated harshly and inhumane. Although they are protected by their rights prisoners are abused off constantly.

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