Monday, April 11, 2011

Proposal ;)

Most prisoners are set to having to complete many years in prison. Most of these prisoners get out of jail very easily. Prisoners are let off for good behavior. I do not agree with this.

My proposal is eliminating this rule that can get you out of jail for good behavior. I believe that if you have commited a crime and are sentenced to more than at least 30 years in jail, that you should not have the right to get out for good behavior. If a prisoner behaves well their yeare are cut off. I believe this is unjust. To get a 30 years sentence in jail the crime should have been very cruel so why should you get the opportunity of being free for what you did? I say prisoners need to complete there full sentence before getting out of jail, with no exceptions.

For criminals this is an easy way to get out of jail and back into the streets. This only brings more violence and crime to the streets. I believe that civilization will be safer without criminals among it who have not learned their lesson.

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