Thursday, February 17, 2011

Immigrazione Italiano !

   Many Italians immigrated to the United States in search of better opportunities. In Italy these people lacked jobs, money, and resources. Italians searched for a better life for their families during the century between 1876 to 1976. They believed they would end their suffering if they immigrated to the US in search of the"American Dream"

  Leaving Italy wasn't easy. They had to follow through with some requirements.These requirements included: having all they're travel documents and they're passports. After they had these they could leave the country by taking a ship on Naples to Ellis Island, New York. This trip took two to three weeks. In Ellis Island they were interviewed and medically tested. If immigrants were to sick, officials would send them back to Italy. After they were processed they were let out to begin their new lives in the US.

Italian Immigrant Ship

Italians had the jobs nobody wanted. They slowly worked their way up from the bottom of the social class.  Even children at very young ages had to work. Their main occupations were: shoeshinning, ragpicking, and other dirty and dangerous jobs. They would even go through prostitution to make money. Italians had a hard time in the US. they lived under terrible conditions, in dirty and overcrowded places. Italian immigrants even had to skip eating in an attempt to save money. Italian immigrants usually got well with other immigrant groups. They could distribute themselves into groups like Jews, Germans, etc.
Italian shoe shine boys
 I believe these Italian immigrants had it hard. If i were in their position I dont think that I would of had that determination to keep fighting for better conditions. They worked dangerous jobs, barely got paid in the US and the conditions they faced in Italy were much worst. It seemed like a terrible time for these people and I feel very sorry for them. Besides everything that happened they battled through all of it. I admire those immigrants deeply! 

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