Monday, April 11, 2011


prisoners work together in a common room
Prisoners rights have been ignored since the begining of the encarceration system. Thanks to determined people commited to defend these rights prisoners have progressd. There has been many changes for the purpose of benefiting these people.
 Now there are a many rights protected by the government that need to be followed in prisons. Although jails are different, there are basic rights that do not change. A very important one is that : 

it is illegal for a criminal to be treated unfairly due to race, sex, disability, sexuality or religious beliefs.

Another main right is that in able to defend themselves they are granted the right to have a lawyer during their court case. With a lawyer criminals have a better chance of being innocent. There are lawyers that dedicate themselves to defending criminals. These lawyers are the criminal lawyers. Prisoners also have the right to have their money store in an account in prison. if they work or take part in trainig or studying, the money owned are stored for them. If they are released they can take the money in cash out of the prison. This right is very helpful for them because although they do not earn much working, at least they have some money of there own.

In conclusion, prisoners rights are changing and improving over time.They started off with nothing and now they are being treated fairly. Although they are still discriminated against outside of jail, prisoners are improving theyre lifestyles slowly.

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