Friday, March 25, 2011

Other Blogs :DD

Bianca Alvarez
Bianca's blog was very creative. She was very descriptive of what ocurred during the drastic event. Bianca described the conditions in which they lived and what they had to face. Which I agree were terrible.

Ivania Colon
Ivania's blog was very detailed. She described how the Native Americans land were taken by the whites.  She said it was not fair for the Native Americans and I agree with her completely.

Paola Vizcarrondo
Paola's blog was very informative. Her opinion of the battle was that it was not a battle but a massacre. I agree with Paola because Native Americans did not stand a chance against the white people which killed many of them.

Gabriela Sanchez
Gabriela's blog mostly talked about assimilation. How the whites wanted to turn the Native Americans into more [civilized] people. I agree with gabriela that this was wrong.

Fransisco Negron
Frasncisco's blog was very general. He gave his opinion on everything that occured to the poor Indians. What they had to face was terrible and I agree with him that it was not fair. The innocent Indians did not deserve what they went through.

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