Thursday, February 17, 2011


  I asked my parents about my heritage and they were no help at all. They just told me that my last name: Sanchez and Ortiz, came from Spain and/or America. Our family has lived in Puerto Rico all our lives so we must go back until when the Spanish invaded and spreaded they're ways. 

Carlotta Moretti, a true story..

   My name is Carlotta Mortti and I am an Italian Immigrant. My story begins the day of my birthday, and also the day me and my family leave our lives behind in search for a new beginnng.Father told us that we would have to immigrate to the US. He said that if we stayed we would die of starvation. I understand my father, he would work all day and receive little to no pay at all. We were told of life in the US, and father didn't think twice before leaving.

Preparing for the long trip didn't take long. We were only required to leave the country: our passports and our travel documents, which dad got quickly with help from a friend. After we got our documents, My two little sisters, my mom, my dad and I could leave Italy. We didn't take nothing with us since we did not have anything to take but our old clothe that we wore every day. Father left our small house to his brother and promised to return for him when he could. After everything was ready we left for Naples. At Naples we traveled by ship until we reached New York's Ellis Island, where we were processed as new immigants and let in the US.

My family and I waiting to be pocessed
Our new home.
Our lives haven't been any easier than they were in Italy. Father got a job as a construction worker, and although he doesn't receive a good pay, he can afford food to put food on the table.Mother works in one of those dangerous factories making clothing, while I stayed and cared for my sisters and cooked for the family.Our small neighborhood was overcrowded with Italian folks and the living conditions were not very good.  We only knew one person and his name was Danilo Moretti. Danilo Moretti was my dad's uncle
, and he had been an immigrant in the US for almost 7 years. He offered us the place we were staying at and found my father the job. We were lucky to have my dad's uncle, he guided us through the whole process in the US.

Although the trip was long, and the process was hard, we managed to get into the US. In the US we are still trying to survive, and just hoping things will get better. We have it hard but we Moretti's don't quit. We know our hard work will pay off and someday we will leave behind this poverty and suffering and we will prosper.

A Sicilian American Expirience

  Italian immigrants talk about there lives when they first came to the US.Its surprising how these Italians tell there stories. They all came at young ages, and most of them didn't know the English language. When they came they had to leave everything behind them including the're families, friends, and homes.
  I believe this people sacrificed so much to come to the US, and still when they came they were discriminated, and treated badly. For me, these brave people serve as an inspiration.They worked so hard to achieve a better life, and I really think all they had to sacrifice was for the best.
This has really changed my perspective on immigration. I think people should be more opened minded about this situation, since these people just search for a better life.

Immigrazione Italiano !

   Many Italians immigrated to the United States in search of better opportunities. In Italy these people lacked jobs, money, and resources. Italians searched for a better life for their families during the century between 1876 to 1976. They believed they would end their suffering if they immigrated to the US in search of the"American Dream"

  Leaving Italy wasn't easy. They had to follow through with some requirements.These requirements included: having all they're travel documents and they're passports. After they had these they could leave the country by taking a ship on Naples to Ellis Island, New York. This trip took two to three weeks. In Ellis Island they were interviewed and medically tested. If immigrants were to sick, officials would send them back to Italy. After they were processed they were let out to begin their new lives in the US.

Italian Immigrant Ship

Italians had the jobs nobody wanted. They slowly worked their way up from the bottom of the social class.  Even children at very young ages had to work. Their main occupations were: shoeshinning, ragpicking, and other dirty and dangerous jobs. They would even go through prostitution to make money. Italians had a hard time in the US. they lived under terrible conditions, in dirty and overcrowded places. Italian immigrants even had to skip eating in an attempt to save money. Italian immigrants usually got well with other immigrant groups. They could distribute themselves into groups like Jews, Germans, etc.
Italian shoe shine boys
 I believe these Italian immigrants had it hard. If i were in their position I dont think that I would of had that determination to keep fighting for better conditions. They worked dangerous jobs, barely got paid in the US and the conditions they faced in Italy were much worst. It seemed like a terrible time for these people and I feel very sorry for them. Besides everything that happened they battled through all of it. I admire those immigrants deeply!