Friday, March 25, 2011

Other Blogs :DD

Bianca Alvarez
Bianca's blog was very creative. She was very descriptive of what ocurred during the drastic event. Bianca described the conditions in which they lived and what they had to face. Which I agree were terrible.

Ivania Colon
Ivania's blog was very detailed. She described how the Native Americans land were taken by the whites.  She said it was not fair for the Native Americans and I agree with her completely.

Paola Vizcarrondo
Paola's blog was very informative. Her opinion of the battle was that it was not a battle but a massacre. I agree with Paola because Native Americans did not stand a chance against the white people which killed many of them.

Gabriela Sanchez
Gabriela's blog mostly talked about assimilation. How the whites wanted to turn the Native Americans into more [civilized] people. I agree with gabriela that this was wrong.

Fransisco Negron
Frasncisco's blog was very general. He gave his opinion on everything that occured to the poor Indians. What they had to face was terrible and I agree with him that it was not fair. The innocent Indians did not deserve what they went through.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Native Americans: THE CRUEL STORY

Since the arrival of the European settlers to the United States, Native Americans have beentreatedharshly.They have suffered greatly because of white men's interest in taking their lands. Hollywood has portrayed a totally different story about the events that occured to the NativeAmericans. Although theesepeople fought for their well-disserved rights, they were not able toovercome the white men's rule. In moviesthe Native Americans are always the bad guys. Thesepeople suffered a great attack that later became knownthe Wounded Knee Massacre. as

Settlers were interested in the land of the Native Americans. They forced the Native Americans to move todifferent reservations. Some of them tried to resist but it only made it worst. A famous tribe leader was SittingBull. After years of resistance he decided to give in because of the limited resources and the hard conditionsthey lived. Chiefs were practically obligated to sign and give the government the land they owned and in thereservations there could be no chiefs or leaders. The Indians were promised many things so they could agreeto what the government wanted and at the end they received nothing.

Native Americans lived under cruel conditions. They depended entirely of what the government would givethem and what the government would give was not enough. The white people wanted Native Americans tobecome like them. They were forced to change their names and many had to believe in christianity. Thisprocess of assimilation violated any humans rights. To be like an american civilian, the Native Americans evenhad to cut their hair.

When Native Americans saw hope, they invented the [ Ghost Dance]. This dancee worshiped the belief thatthe white people would no longer exist or rule the Native Americans. The government found out about thisand prohibited the dance. Native Americans were mad and dissapointed at this and to worsten things up, thegovernment send officials to make sure nobody did the dance. Sitiing BullNative Americans were  and manyothers were murdered by the officials when they were trying to arrest Sitting Bull. This started a battle whichthen resulted in a massacre. The Native Americans were defenseless against the officials and many innocentIndians were murdered. Now of course Indians were blamed for everything.

In conclusion, Native americans were treated inhumanly. They did not have rights and therefore were forcedto do what they were told.Reservations were torture to these people. Because of the selfish government manyinnocent Indians died unfairly. The government destroyed most of the Indian culture and because of that cruel past their present is not in good conditions. Most people do not know the true story behind Hollywood filmsand to me it is ignorant that people hide what realy happened to the Native Americans.